Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to Make a Decision For Wealth This Year

Poverty is an issue of the mind, so also are riches.  You become poor or rich depending on where you have conditioned or anchored your mind.  You fail or succeed first in your mind. As a result, you must condition your mind that you must succeed; otherwise, nothing you build on this shaky foundation will stand.

 Your mind must have a solid foundation of sound future and success.  Make a genuine decision that you will become financially independent.  As I looked into the lives of various individuals both rich and poor, their lifestyles and what actually is driving them, I came up with the conclusion that the decisions men make determine the quality of life they enjoy.

Making a decision is like stepping across a line in your own mind.  A firm, clear, unequivocal decision that you are going to do something actually changes your mental chemistry.  It changes your brain physiology and makes you a different person entirely.  There is a major divide between the successful rich people and the unsuccessful poor fellows.  And that is: all successful people are very decisive and all unsuccessful people are indecisive and vacillating.

 So it is up to you to take your future, into your hands or leave it to fate.  Start today; it is never too late, make a decision that you are going to give it all it takes to become financially independent.  Remember, nothing is ever as difficult as it first appears even decision.

Making extra income through online marketing business

Online marketing, otherwise known as Internet or e-marketing, is the marketing of products or services via the Internet. The interactive nature of the Internet also makes this an important marketing medium in terms of providing instant responses and eliciting responses. It is sometimes considered to be broad in scope because it also includes the various forms of marketing done via e-mail and wireless media.

The current global systems of business operation, with their fast response and accountability to the advertisers, have made online marketing an important communications tool over traditional marketing.

Options to utilise for marketing online include audio, video, blogging, email, social media and ongoing newsletters. If marketing is to be done traditionally one would need to select several media outlets to cover one‘s bases, which is not so in online marketing.

Online marketing business is gradually taking over from traditional marketing, as people are now beginning to derive value from every amount of money spent.

To start an online marketing business, one may need a computer system and some form of Internet connection. But in the absence of these basic requirements, one can still operate from a cyber cafe once one has acquired enough knowledge on how to run it profitably.

On the business’ operational location needed, an office space is not necessarily required to run the business, the business can be run from one‘s room, except one decides to expand the business-in which case he would need to employ more hands.

Fundamentally and above other requirements, in starting the business, knowledge acquisition is primal; if at all the business is to operate efficiently and effectively. It is expected that whoever wants to go into this kind of business must be versed in computer operation, and does not necessarily need to be a computer guru. the knowledge of e-marketing can be easily acquired through a one-day training, provided one is already computer literate and can read and write.

The business is very profitable, although it is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a scam. The guarantee is that you will live a very comfortable live and you will not have to depend on the labour market for a nonexistent job; you can have a profitable job and can even be an employer of labour. The online marketing business can also be known as online affiliate marketing and an online advertisement programme.

”You get paid in various ways, first as an affiliate you make sales and earn a commission which sometimes is half of whatever you sell, secondly, as an advertiser you get paid by page impressions which means that whoever gets to your site which you have optimised and clicks on anything, you get paid for just their click and you get up to two euro per click.

”So, if you are able to get up to two hundred clicks per day, you would certainly make much money for that day, Nothing else is required, except the knowledge of how to do it, which can be got from institutional trainers. It does not take more than one day‘s training, and you don‘t have to be a computer guru to learn it. The basic requirement is to just know how to read and write.”

Creating a visible platform on the Internet and sustaining it is the first step to achieving success in Internet marketing. the credibility enjoyed by the portal space usually determines how successful an online marketer will be.

7 Simple Steps to Wealth Creation

From my research and study in the subject of wealth creation over the years, I have distilled all formulae and principles I came across on the road to making money to seven simple steps that when you climb will easily guarantee your success.

Step 1


The first step in creating wealth is to set a specific goal and visualize it as a reality. In setting your goal, you must always ensure that it is SMART, in other word, it must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound.

Step 2


This is the second step to wealth creation but surprisingly, the key to the vault is in hanging here. Every human being is constantly looking for solutions or answer to whatsoever is threatening him or making him uncomfortable. If you can look for a problem you can solve with a product or service that is of high quality and a good value for money then all sorts of men will surely favour you with their money. One thing you must know is that there are always problems around you seeking for answer.

Step 3


The only thing that starts from the top and grows down is the grave. Otherwise, every other thing in life starts from the ground and grow up, when you grow up, you stay up, but when you jump up, you come down. Of course, common sense tells you that when you jump up, the force of gravity simply pull you down, There is so much to be learn when you start your business small while at the same time you have a big vision not to remain small.

Step 4


Never you rush into any business venture, no matter how attractive, otherwise you will rush out. The more attractive the offers, the more careful you should be in investigating their claims on returns on investments. ROI. As a budding or aspiring entrepreneur, you must test every major move before you invest in it.

Step 5


If you must expand your business, please let it be out of your profits as you move along, expansion of business on borrowed capital is a huge task you must be ready to dance to when the music starts playing. If you put yourself into this check, it will enable you to work harder and ensure that you make the money and merit the expansion.

Step 6


You must be careful in picking the people you are going to work with in the business, if you realy want to grow and expand your business, the biggest mistake you will ever make will be in putting a square peg in a round hole or vice versa.

Step 7


When your business begin to grow, it will be reflective on your cash flow, The whole essence of starting a business is to develop a consistent, predictable source of cash flow in excess of cost and expenses and then to hold on to the money. The bank will lend you all the money that you can service as debt with your cash flow.